Student Attendance and Struck off Policy

Student Attendance and Struck off Policy


1. Every student is required to attend at least seventy five percent 75% of the lectures, clinical and Labs of a particular semester being enrolled in it. Failing to do so, students name shall be notified to the head of examination department and shall not be allowed to appear in final examination held by Khyber Medical University.

2. The margin of fifteen to twenty five percent (15-25%) relaxations in attendance will be admissible in the following conditions. Death of a close family member (mother/father, mother in law/ father in law, sister/brother, daughter/son, wife/husband). Critical medical problem certified by a qualified doctor having a qualification at least MBBS.

3. The above 25 % relaxation will be subjected to the approval of respective head of the departments. Moreover, a proper procedure should be followed which will include writing an application by the students or guardians, addressing to their respective heads of the departments, explicitly mentioning the cause of absence.

4. Any absence other than the above mentioned two reasons will be consider as a serious disciplinary act which will results into non-appearing of students in final examination.

5. Repeated absence from lectures, clinical or lab activity, consecutively for three days without any information or justifiable evidence will lead to struck off the student from institute & to be conveyed by class teacher to the academic committee.

6. Struck off as a penalty for violating the set policies of the institute will require to fulfill the following procedure before a student wants re-admission to a discipline.

  • It is must to bring their parents and meet the academic/disciplinary committee.
  • Signing of an affidavit containing clauses prescribed by the institute.
  • Paying Re-admission fee of amount Rs.5000 PKR.