These rules may be called the “Service Rules, Regulations and Policy Manual for Employees of Premier Group of Colleges & Allied Health Sciences, Peshawar–2023 as amended from time to time under express authority of the Board of Governors of PiHMS.
These rules shall come into force with effect from ________________ and shall be deemed to be applicable to all employees of PIHMS, and shall supersede any existing service rules, administrative practices or precedents currently being followed.
Where the rules are silent on a subject the matter will be referred to the Board of Governors of PiHMS for clarification.
These rules shall apply to all persons employed currently, or in the future, by the PIHMS on monthly basis, contract or permanent employees.
These rules shall not apply to persons employed by PIHMS on daily wages. For such employees, separate rules may be formulated under approval of the Board of Governors of PiHMS.
The Board of Governors of PiHMS shall be the sole judge of the interpretation of any of these rules and its decision shall be final and binding on all persons to whom these rules are applicable.
The institute shall have full powers to make any amendment, addition or alteration in these rules, from time to time as many as may be necessary under due approval of the Board of Governors of PiHMS. The approved revisions to the rules shall be deemed effective from the date the said amendments, additions or alteration is approved. CEO/MD will be responsible to communicate all these amendments, additions and alterations, through HoDs. All such amendments, additions or alterations shall be deemed applicable on all employees as if these have been in effect from the dates of respective appointments of all employees.
Section 2: Remuneration and Recognition
Remuneration means the salary and benefits while recognition means any act of acknowledgement or appreciation for a job well done and being rewarded for the same. Salary and benefits are set individually within the framework of Institute salary structure, wherever possible, according to the position’s degree of complexity, the individual’s competence, individual performance record and external market conditions.
To ensure, that employees are paid promptly and regularly at the start of every month.
Policy Statements:
The pay day is on 1st of the month, provided the last working day does not fall on a Sunday or banking holiday.
It is compulsory for all employees to open a bank account in the Bank of Khyber branch, located in the premises of the institute within one month of their joining the duty. New employees must open a bank account not later than 1st pay period. The bank account number must be provided to the Finance Department.
A pay slip will be generated on the institute payday for all staff, indicating that their salaries have been deposited into their bank accounts.
Employees must open a bank account with the designated bank branch of Khyber Bank within one month after being hired. They must submit their account numbers to the Finance Department. An account application form may be obtained from the bank counter.
All employees who are paid more than Rs.10, 000 per month will have their salaries deposited directly into their bank accounts. Pay Slips will be generated on institute pay day to indicate that the deposits have been made.
Section 2.2Policy for Payroll Advance
To define the conditions for granting payroll advances to employees.
Policy Statements:
No payroll advances will be given except to full time, permanent employees who are going on leave for more than 7 days and whose leave falls on a pay day.
The request for a payroll advance must be indicated through an application.
A copy of the approved application requesting an advance will be sent to the Finance Department no later than one week prior to the leave commencement date.
Permanent employees who are proceeding on leave and requesting a pay advance must indicate their request through an application. The employee must submit the application to the HR Manager for further action and record purposes.
HR Manager will seek approval from the competent authority for payroll advance.
The HR Department will send a photocopy of the approved application to the Finance Department at least one week prior to the leave commencement date.
Employees may collect their pay roll advances from the Finance Department.
Section 2.3 Policy for Pay for Working on Holiday and on Gazette Holidays
To compensate employees who work on gazette holidays.
Policy Statements:
Employees on duty on gazette holidays shall be compensated by payment of one and a half times the normal wage rate. Any employee (whether a day or shift worker) whose day off falls on gazette holiday will not be paid for an additional shift for that day (i.e. the employee will be paid only for one shift for that day).
Holiday duty roster will be forward to HR Department by HoDs/supervisors 24 hours before the holiday.
In order to facilitate a timely and accurate record of employee’s attendance, a central Electronic Attendance system will be installed in the institute.
The HR Department shall be the sole custodian of the Electronic Attendance System.
All employees are expected to be punctual in attendance. There shall be grace duration of 5 minutes and all employees marking their attendance within the 5 minutes grace period shall be treated as present on time. Employees showing up for duty beyond the grace period shall be treated as late. Two late arrivals in a month shall be condoned for all employees. Late attendance for three days will be treated as absence for one day and salary deduction for such absentees on the basis of one absence for each three days late arrival in a month will be made. Deductions should not be more than 5% of an employee’s gross monthly salary.
The Attendance policy, however, has the provision to accommodate occasional late arrivals. In case where force majeure prevents an employee to turn up for work in time, he or she can seek the immediate supervisor's consent for late arrival and the Department/Section Incharge/HRD shall have the authority to condone late arrivals under mitigating circumstances. Such condoning shall be conveyed by the respective Department/Section Incharge to HR in writing before salary finalization.
If no mark is made for a day, it will be considered as absence and marked as such by the HR Department, unless a formal leave application is duly sanctioned in due course and process.
If an employee comes to work, but does not mark their electronic attendance for any reason, they have to obtain CCTV footage confirming their presence in the institute at the start and the end of their shift times. A printout of the screenshot of the footage, along with an application duly signed by their Head of Department, should be provided to HR before salary finalization.
PiHMS expects its employees to turn up for work at the prescribed time since it is absolutely essential for an optimum utilization of its human resources.
In order to discourage habitual tardiness the following guiding principles shall be applicable in extreme cases:
Three late arrivals in a month shall result in a verbal warning by the immediate supervisor.
Twelve or more late arrivals in a quarter will result in the following:
Deduction of day annual leave for each three late arrivals.
Issuance of initial Warning.
Twelve or more late arrivals after issuance of initial Warning will result in a Written Warning
Twelve or more late arrivals after issuance of Written Warning will result in a Final Warning
HR Department will recommend Termination of Service on grounds of habitual lateness to CEO/MD.
CEO/MD will be the final authority in deciding the outcome of the case
If an improvement is seen in the quarter after a specific warning, the last warning issued will be rescinded.
Section: 3.3Holidays
Holidays of the institute are classified as follows:
Any other day specifically declared as weekly off in respect of particular employees.
Section 3.4Other Holidays of Routine Annual Nature
Eid-ul-Fitr (3 days)
Pakistan Day (One day)
Eid-ul-Azha (3 days)
10th Muharram-ul-Haram
Holiday for minorities (1 day for Christmas and 1 day for Easter)
Note: These holidays are subject to notification and may change from time to time and are also subject to rules of government of Pakistan.
Section 4 Policy for Leave
To define the number, eligibility and restriction on leaves.
The following types of leaves are available to PIHMS employees:
Type of Leave
Annual/ Earned Leaves
14 Days
Casual Leave
Sick Leave
10 days per year
Maternity Leave
6 weeks per delivery
Half-Day Leave
Half of the daily working hours
Compensatory Leave Against Duty
Subject to approval from the concerned authority
Leave without pay
Subject to approve from the concerned authority
Note: All the above leaves explained will not be granted during notice and probation period except leave without pay.
Section 4.1Casual Leave
The Policy regarding casual leave is as follows:
The leave cannot be claimed as right, it is privilege
All full time, permanent and contract employees will be eligible for not more than 2 days casual leave per month on full pay. Casual leave days may not be accumulated beyond the calendar month.
Casual leave may not be taken during probation.
Casual leave may not be attached to days off, holidays, or earned and sick leave. However, competent authority may waive off this condition in special case of personal hardships.
No more than 3 casual leave days may be taken at a time. Exceptions will have to be approved by HoD/CEO/MD in advance.
Section 4.2Leave without Pay
All leaves during probation and Notice period will be treated as Leave without pay.
Leave without pay cannot be attached to sick or casual leave days. If an employee is granted casual leave and does not return to work on the day specified, the entire time will be considered leave without pay (LWP).
Employees, who without authorization, are absent before and/or after a casual leave, sick leave, holiday or day off, will have the entire time considered as leave without pay. Annual leave will be handled at management's discretion.
Section 4.3Maternity Leave
The policy regarding maternity leave is as follows:
Total maternity leave will be for 4 weeks on successful completion of one-year services; it may start after delivery at the time of delivery date, and may continue up to 4 week with full pay.
Female employee may take maternity leave after one year of full time employment.
A "Leave Application Form" must be completed and submitted for approval 2 months prior to the expected date of delivery.
Maternity leave will be allowed for maximum 2 deliveries during the service period with an interval of once every three years.
Maternity leave cannot be combined with any form of leave.
Section 4.4 Half-Day Leave
The Policy regarding Half-Day Leave is as follows:
An employee who wishes to leave the Institute for a few hours must fill out a "Leave Application Form" indicating the number of hours that he/she will be absent from duty.
The leave will be treated as under:
Any leave of more than one hour and less than or equal to half a shift will be considered as half-day leave.
If the leave hours are more than half a shift, the leave will be considered as a full days leave.
If an employee's joining date falls in between the leave cycle the employee will be eligible, upon confirmation, to avail the annual sick leave, casual leave, outpatient care benefits in proportion to service during the leave cycle.
In all cases, the department head has the right to not approve an employee's application for leave days if the leave day will adversely impact functioning of the department.
Any exceptions to the policies and/or procedures regarding leaves must be approved by the MD/Chairman & CEO.
Section 5 Human Resource planning Policy
Premier Institute of Health & Management Sciences, Peshawar believes that effective human resource is its most important strategic resource. In order to match resources business needs in the longer term, the institute will carry out an annual Human Resource needs analysis in both quantitative as well as qualitative terms. Human Resource planning is an integral function of each Department, which will anchor the yearly Human Resources Planning process.
HR Budgeting process would consist of the following:
Each department/function shall prepare a Human Resource Plan for each financial year.
The individual departmental plan will be submitted to MD/CEO no later than 30thMarch off each year, who shall collate the individual departmental plans into the consolidated PiHMS budget. Plans not received by the deadlines shall not be considered for approval. In cases of delay in submission of departmental plan, a special waiver from will be required before incorporation of departmental plan into the consolidated Human Resource Plan.
A Human Resource Planning Committee comprising of the following shall review requests for additional human resources:
2. Principal
3. Manager Finance
4. Concerned Head of Department
The Human Resources Budgetary Committee shall Review the request for additional human resources against the following criteria:
Overall purpose why the position needs to be added and what is the job holder expected to contribute.
Content: The nature and scope of the job in terms of the tasks and operations to be performed and duties to be carried out i.e. the process of converting inputs into outputs.
Accountabilities: The results for which the jobholder is accountable.
Performance criteria: The criteria, measures or indicators that enable an assessment to be carried out to ascertain the degree to which the job is being performed satisfactorily.
Reporting Relationship: The reporting relationship of the jobholder.
Current staffing levels: Number of people working for the requisitioning department.
Financial outlays: the financial impact to new recruitment and availability of funds inclusive of capital assets and/or infrastructure and logistics requirement.
The Human Resources Budgetary Committee shall make its final recommendations no later than 20th of April each year.
Finance Department shall prepare a list of approved positions and forward it to CEO by 30th April each year for final approval
Section 6 Policy for Recruitment
To develop and maintain efficient and standardized recruitment process.
Policy Statements:
Educational qualification and experience and merit only would be the all-important criteria for selection.
All vacant positions will be filled against the institute Human Resource budget for the year.
Preference will be given to employees from within the organization; however, if no internal candidate will qualify or be available for the said position, the position will be advertised externally or recourse will be made to C.V. data bank.
All applicants must complete the institute "Employment Application Forms" and have their references, which will be checked by the Human Resource Department.
Each Department will ensure that the candidates must not have any illness or deformity that can inhibit work or cause undo expense to the institute.
First-degree relatives (Mother, Father, son, daughter, Spouse and Siblings cannot work in the same department nor have any reporting relationship that is blood relatives might be tolerated in the special areas where institute faces shortage of professional staff on the discretion of Department. Relatives of any employee may be allowed on the discretion of CEO. The Department will take prior approval from competent authority before selection.
No personnel would be hired by PiHMS whose age will be below 18 years or above 65 years or who do not possess N.I.C / National ID. However, personnel having age of 60 years& above would only be hired as a special case and on contract employment only with a specific approval of Chairman BoG.
Approval of all budgeted positions will be the prerogative of CEO- PiHMS, while all new/ over-budgeted positions' approval will remain the prerogative of Chairman BOG/MD
All candidates for the supervisory and for above positions will be selected through panel interview which will consist of followings;
a) Concerned divisional/Department Head or his/her nominee
b) Concerned technical person or his/her nominee (if required)
c) HR representative
d) Member nominated by CEO
Appointment letters of all PiHMS & RC employees will be signed by CEO/MD or his authorized nominee.
Section 7 Policy for Resignation
To ensure that the Institute as well as the employee receive adequate notice and that all financial matters are resolved amicably and finally when an employee resigns.
Policy Statements:
When an employee resigns voluntarily, HR Department shall conduct an exit interview at the time of clearance and shall inquire about the reasons for leaving of the employee and fill up a mandatory exit interview form. Feedback shall be properly recorded to note areas in which the institute needs to make improvements and any other impression the employee may have about the institute. Monthly review of the exit interview will be submitted by HR Department to CEO for future analysis and will be referred to BoG.
Employees and trainees may give 24 hours written notice when resigning during probation or training period. Ideally the verbal notice should not be less than 07 days.
After confirmation of the employee 30 days’ notice is required or compensation in lieu thereof. Management may request the employee to work the 30 days’ notice period or give pay in lieu.
For any 24 hour resignation after confirmation a prior approval from CEO/MD is required for processing of resignation by Department.
During the notice period, employees will not be entitled to any leave benefit except leave without pay.
Employees leaving the Organization due to resignation/termination must complete a "Clearance Certificate" obtaining signatures of all the Departmental heads, before final payment will be issued.
Resignation of Faculty Member will not be accepted during the mid of any semester.
The employee must give a written notice of resignation to his/her Departmental head. If the employee is on probation, a 24 hour notice period is required; after confirmation, a 30 day notice period is required.
The Departmental head will forward the employees' resignation letter to the HR Department as soon as received.
If the employee is on probation (i.e. the employee has given a 24 hours’ notice), the HR Department will immediately issue a "Clearance Certificate" on the employee's last working day.
The employee must complete the "Institute Clearance Certificate", have it signed by all the Departmental heads indicated on the certificate and submit upon completion the singed form to the HR department before leaving the institute on his/her last working day.
The HR Department will prepare the final dues letter within 7 days of receiving the "Clearance Certificate". The Department will forward one copy of the letter to the employee, one copy to employee's personal file, and one copy to the Finance Department.
Employees leaving service without any information shall be treated as Absent without leave depending on the advice of the HOD. They will be liable to deduction of one month salary in lieu of notice in case they turn up for terminal settlement subsequently.
Section 8 Policy for References for New Employees
To verify the character of new employees before they are confirmed for employment with the Organization.
Policy Statements:
1. All job candidates will be required to submit the names of two professional referees in their CV’s or applications.
Relatives will not be accepted as referees.
3. The referees must be people of good standing in the community who have known the candidate during the last three years. When the candidate has been employed during the past 3 years it is preferable for one of the referees to be a previous employer.
4. Failure to provide referees or receiving unfavorable responses from referees will be sufficient grounds for not confirming an employee.
5. The HR Department will evaluate the information obtained from referees and will have the authority to confirm or not confirm the employee based on this information.
1. The job candidate will provide the names, addresses, telephone numbers and occupations of 2 referees on the "Application for Employment".
2. When a new employee joins PiHMS, the appointment letter shall inter alia state the following conditions.
"Confirmation of employment after completing your probationary period will be dependent upon receiving favorable responses from the two referees whose names you have supplied to PiHMS”.
On obtaining feedback the HR Department will put up the same to CEO. The CEO will have the authority to confirm or not confirm the employee based on information from the referees responses.
Section 09 Policy for Probation Period
To evaluate the performance of new employees before confirming their employment with the PHMSl.
Policy Statement:
1. All new employees will be hired on condition of satisfactory completion of probation period of 3 months. During this period, supervisors will evaluate the performance of new employees to determine their suitability for continued employment in the institute.
2. If during or at the end of a probationary period, a supervisor feels that an employee is not suitable for employment with the PiHMS, the supervisor must instruct the HR Department to issue a letter to the employee clearly stating that he/she will not be confirmed. Failure to inform the employee of non-confirmation by the confirmation date will result in an automatic confirmation.
3. All the employees will be evaluated for the period for 3 months; however this probation period can be extended for another term of up to 3 months depending on performance of the employee. This extension beyond the 3 months period shall require special sanction of the CEO. However the employee will be counseled in writing about his performance.
4. If the performance of the employee is still not satisfactory, the employee will be removed from service before the end of the 6th month of probation. Failure to inform the employee of non-confirmation by the end of 6 months will result in an automatic confirmation.
1. The HR Department will send a "Confirmation Advice" form to the Department one week before the employee's confirmation date.
2. The concerned Department will complete the "Job Confirmation Advice" and sign it. After both have signed the form, the employee must read the form and sign it. Finally, the HR Department must submit the completed and signed "Job Confirmation Advice Form" to the CEO at least one week prior to the employee's confirmation.
3. Depending on the instructions in the "job Confirmation Advice" HR Department will either prepare a confirmation letter for the employee or a letter informing the employee that his/her probation has been extended. The HR Department will forward the letter to the employee on the same day, or the day after, his/her confirmation date.
Section 10 Policy for Termination
To terminate the services of employee who are not required or are not suitable for employment in the institute through a professional process.
Policy Statement:
1. An employee's service may be terminated during and after probationary period if the work performance does not meet the institute standards.
2. An employee services may be terminated during probation period without reason and on 24 hours’ notice basis.
3. For any 24 hours termination after confirmation of services a prior approval is required from the CEO to enable the HR Department to process the termination papers.
4. No employee’s services will be terminated without going through the process.
5. Employees leaving the organization due to termination or resignation must complete a "Clearance Certificate" obtaining all signatures as mentioned on the form before a final payment will be issued.
6. Employees absconding from service without any information shall be liable to immediate termination (As per termination policy) after 3 days of unauthorized absence and shall stand to lose all their terminal benefits. In case such employees turn up for clearance later on, they will be liable to surrender one month’s pay in lieu of notice period.
1. Except in serious cases, that warrant immediate termination, the employees supervisor must try all reasonable disciplinary actions before proceeding to the final option of termination (e.g. verbal counseling, Written counseling, written misconduct forms, etc.). Immediate suspension from the work site for acts of gross misconduct / physical assault etc. is mandatory. The Supervisor/Manager must keep a record of all these actions and must forward all notices to the HR Department for immediate action and for file keeping.
2. When termination is the only course of action, the employees' Departmental head will submit a letter suggesting the employees' termination to CEO through HRD. The letter must include the reasons for termination and must describe all previous actions that were taken which then had led to the decision of the employees' termination.
3. The CEO will review the recommendation, sign for approval and return it to the HR Department.
4. The HR department will issue an "Explanation" and wait for reply from the employee except in case of immediate suspension/Dismissal for acts of gross indiscipline/misconduct (e.g. physical assault etc.)If the explanation is not satisfactory or acceptable to the HoD then the HR Department will proceed with the termination and will issue a termination letter to the employee before issuance of the "Clearance Certificate". The HR Department will wait for the receiving of the completed “Clearance Certificate" signed by all appropriate department heads before proceeding with the termination process.
5. Upon receipt of the "Clearance Certificate" a clearance letter will be made. The letter will include an account of all final dues. The HR Department will send a copy to the employee, one copy to employees' personal file and a copy for filing and a copy to the Finance Department for preparation of final dues.
6. The employee's final dues will be settled within 7 working days after the receipt of the Clearance Certificate.
7. The HR department must ensure that the clearance certificate must be completed and submitted on the last working day of the employee. List of employees whose clearance is not received by the Finance will be sent to CEO and Finance Department at the end of each month.
Flow Chart-Diagram for Termination & Clearance.
Steps for Procedure:
Suggestion of Termination
Termination Letter
Clearance Letter
Clearance for Dues
Section 11 Policy for employees files management
To maintain the personal record of staff file Management ensures data protection and better control of staff / employment records in the office of records within the institute.
2 To Coordinate access and circulation of records within the institute.
3. To have accurate and organized information as when required.
Employee personal files are defined to include the application of employment and records which are used or have been used to determine employee qualifications for job history, promotion, compensation, termination, or disciplinary action.
Policy statement:
1. Records must be stored in such a way that it is both sufficiently accessible and are safeguarded against environmental damage. A typical contract or agreement or any document that relates to the employee and to the HRD must be stored in a file cabinet.
2. Physical records must be organized and indexed; records must be identified and authenticated.
3. Personal files are confidential and access is limited to protect employee privacy.
4. Each department Head may review his/her Department staff personal files by requesting an appointment with HRD during standard working hours. An HRD representative will remain present during the time the file is reviewed.
5. The Chairman BOG. MD and principal can ask for an employee files and HRD will forward the files to them after entering them in File record Register.
6. HRD is responsible for responding to legal demands for access to staff personal file.
7. An employee has the right to see his/her file once in six months, within the HRD premises in presence of HR Staff member. Such file review can only take place with the permission of Manager HRD. Proper record should be maintained for such reviews in HR Department. Employee cannot review the file by his/her own. If any employee reviews his/her own file without permission or is being facilitated by HRD representative, HRD has the right to take disciplinary action against both.
8. HRD maintains personal information for each employee in order to have a comprehensive, correct and current record of the employee salary and job history in the particular file.
9. To ensure security, all employee files must be kept under lock and key in a file cabinet and must be kept separate from public access. It is the responsibility of each HRD individual to ensure that all files are properly secured.
10. HRD staff is only authorized for the access of each employee file that is relevant to their necessary action; rest of the files must not be accessed without the permission from the HR manager.
1. Employees documents such as interview Forms, Medical Certificate, Employment Application Form, Employee ID Card Form, Results, Employee Educational and Experience Certificate and Appointment letters, etc. must be filed in the employee’s personal file.
2. Employee personal file must have file tags (File Title) that includes employee name, designation, department name and joining.
3. HRD will be responsible to place all files into the permanent employee cabinets in sequenced order then engaged for further documentation e.g. contract, probation, Report, Transfer letter, Performance Appraisal, Surety Bonds and other certificates.
4. Department head who needed their employee's personal files can visit HRD between 1530 to 1630 hours; HRD nominated staff will facilitate them in this regard. However, Departmental Heads are requested to provide the employees detail 1 day prior to visiting HRD.
Related records:
Employee Personal File
Section 12.1Performance Management Process:
Performance management (PM) includes activities which ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on the performance of an organization, a department or an employee, so that the organization can achieve its goal in the best possible manner.
A performance appraisal (PA) or performance evaluation is a systematic and periodic process that assesses an individual employee’s job performance and productivity in relation to certain pre-established criteria and organizational objectives.
Performance appraisal is done twice in a year.
Performance Appraisal starts in June and December of every year.
Performance Appraisal Forms are on MIS and will be made available to Department Heads when appraisals are due.
The data is being processed in the Software system, so that the Performance appraisal is possible through the System.
The system grades the employee in the following categories.
Below Average performers calling for warning/ Demotion/Counseling.
Average performers needs concentrated efforts on the part of immediate supervisor for improvement
Above Average Performers are eligible for some sort of reward in recognition of their services in shape of letter of recognition
Outstanding Performers justifying consideration for accelerated promotion and or special salary enhancement
Section 12.2Impact of the results of performance appraisal:
Annual performance awards, as well as salary adjustment, promotion and job rotation should be relative to the result of performance appraisal.
Management shall announce the quota for rewards and salary increments annually as per the profitability of company business. HR department shall formulate the method for distribution of rewards.
Section 12.3Salary adjustment:
Outstanding Performers (15% of total) to receive 100% of the annual increment
Above Average Performers (15% of total) to receive 80% of the annual increment
Average performers (60% of total) to receive 60% of the annual increment.
Below Average performers (10% of total)to receive 25% of the annual increment
Section 13 Policy for Damage / Loss of Institute Property Accountability
To assign accountability to persons responsible for lost /damaged Institute property, and to follow up by reclaiming the cost of the property or by executing appropriate disciplinary action.
Policy Statements:
1. A "Damage / Loss Report" must be completed when loss or damage to the institute occurs and the procedure described in the "incidents Reporting and handling" policy and procedure must be follow.
2. Staff, students and visitors will be held accountable for loss or damage to the institute property.
3. Accountability for loss or damage to institute property will be assigned fairly, on the basis; of custody of the property: responsibility for the damage or loss; and the actions or events that contributed to the loss.
4. The consequences of accountability will be financial repayment and / or disciplinary action.
5. The Department head of the employees which are accountable for the damage or loss will determine what consequences are appropriate, and will recommend them to the G.M. Finance on "Damage / Loss Report".
1. Institute property:
Any physical (i.e. movable or immovable) or monetary asset, which belongs to PiHMS.
1. When an employee notices that loss or damage has occurred to the institute property, he/she must complete a "Damage / Loss Report" and forward it to his/her Department / Section Head (or designate). The procedure for completing the report is described in the policy and procedure of "incidents Reporting and Handling".
2. As described in the policy and procedure on "Incidents Reporting and Handling", the Department / Divisional head conducts an investigation and forwards one copy of the "Incident Report" to the Department / section head whose employee is suspected of being responsible for the loss or damage.
3. Upon receiving an "Incident Report" related to the loss or damage of institute property, the Department / Divisional Head:
a) Collects all necessary information and assigns accountability to the persons involved in the incident on the basis of the following factors:
i. Who had custody of the property?
ii. Who is responsible for the damage or loss?
iii. The actions and / or events that helped contribute to the damage or loss.
b) Determine the consequences for those who are assigned accountability for the incidents. The consequences may be financial repayment and / or disciplinary action.
c) In cases involving minor offenses, the Department Head instructs the Section Head to follow through with the appropriate disciplinary actions. The Head of the Department / Section informs the CEO/CEOof the disciplinary actions taken.
d) In cases involving minor offenses and financial repayment the Department / section head will submit his / her recommendations to the CEO/CEO in writing.
4. The CEO/CEOwill either approve the Department / Section Head's recommendations or give alternate orders based on the facts and merits of the case.
5. After receiving the approval from the CEO/CEO or alternate orders to collect financial repayment, the CEO/CEO will work out a payment mechanism for the accountable parties. More specifically, the CEO/CEO will;
a) Confirm the cost of the lost/damage property (this will usually be done in consultation with the Finance Department).
b) Identify an appropriate payment schedule.
c) Send a memo to the Finance Department and the concerned employees regarding the repayments/salary deduction schedule.
d) In case collection is to be made from visitors, the visitor will be directed to the Finance Department to work out an appropriate repayment schedule.
Section 14 Policy for Disciplinary Action
To prevent, reverse, or eliminate employee behavior that is detrimental to the institute.
Policy Statement:
All employees are expected to maintain the highest standards of work performance, conduct, and comply with the personnel policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the organization. Employees who violate the organizations policies, rules, and regulations will be subject to disciplinary action. Serious disciplinary action against an employee will only be taken after a fair and just hearing whereby the employee will have a chance to present his or her point of view.
2. Disciplinary action will consist of the following measures, depending on the nature of the offense:
Stage 1
Improvement Note:
When performance not up to required standards.
Problem to be discussed, with solutions and time-frame discussed in detail.
Consequences of non-compliance to be conveyed.
Record will be kept for 3 months
Verbal Warning:
When conduct is not up to required standards.
Nature of misconduct to be discussed, with solutions identified.
Time-frame not required.
Consequences of non-compliance to be conveyed.
Record to be kept for 3 months
Stage 2
Second Improvement Note:
Performance still lacking in similar scenario.
Problem discussed again with reference to previous plan of action.
Different or similar solution identified and conveyed.
Consequences of non-compliance to be conveyed.
Record will be kept for 6 months
Written Warning:
Conduct still not up to required standards.
Previous warning discussed and solutions re-visited.
Further plan of action, and support discussed.
Non-compliance leading to Final Warning to be conveyed.
Record to be kept for 6 months.
Stage 3
Final Written warning:
No improvement in performance or conduct identified in similar scenario, within the given time-frame.
Performance and conduct is seriously detrimental to organization’s performance.
Previous notes/warnings discussed, solutions revisited, and any possible further assistance to overcome issues offered.
Non-compliance leading to dismissal or similar sanctions explained.
Record to be kept for 12 months
Stage 4
For sufficiently serious misconducts or consistent failure in improving performance / conduct.
All previous efforts to be discussed, non-compliance clearly identified. Written record provided, and reasons for dismissal / termination provided in written form.
Right of Appeal to be discussed.
Date of Termination to be 24 hours from date decision is delivered to incumbent.
Section15.1Types of Offenses
An offense will be classified as minor or major.
Section 15.1.1
Minor offenses include:
a) Habitual tardiness.
b) Absence without authorization
c) Misuse of leave policies.
d) Interference with work performance of another employee.
e) Improper clothing (not following the organization’s dress code).
f) Indulging in hobbies, recreational games, or ding work for third parties while on duty.
g) Showing carelessness and/or indifference while carrying out work responsibilities.
h) Any other offense of a similar nature.
Section 15.1.2
Major offenses will be referred as misconduct.
Major offenses include:
a) Insubordination, or willful disobedience, whether alone or in combination with others toward any lawful and reasonable order from a senior employee in the Institute.
b) Theft, fraud, or dishonesty in connection with the organization's business or property.
c) Willful damage of the organization's property.
e) Taking or giving bribes.
f) Unauthorized absence for more than 3 days (see number 5 below)
g) Riotous or disorderly behavior or subversion of discipline on the organization's premises, or off the premises but directed towards the organization.
h) Habitual negligence of work.
i) Striking or inciting other to strike in contravention of the provisions of any law or rule having the force of law.
j) Breach of confidentiality by disclosing confidential information pertaining to patients, other employees or the organizations business.
k) Physical or verbal abuse of students, visitors, other employees, or any other person present on the PiHM’s premises.
l) Unauthorized possession of arms or use of intoxicants or illegal drugs.
m) Immoral or indecent behavior.
n) Continued minor offenses for which initial disciplinary action has already been taken.
o) Being engaged directly or indirectly in other employment (applies to full time workers only).
p) Using institute resources for personal gain
q) Frequent repetition of the following:
Breaching rules or orders
Improper behavior
Making false or misleading statements
Wasteful working
r) Any other unprofessional behavior
s) Sexual Harassment
t) Consumption of alcohol and drugs
u) Any other offense of a similar nature
Section 15.1.3
Disciplinary action for minor offenses will be verbal counseling. These actions will be administered by the Department head. Concerned HoD will initiate and recommend appropriate disciplinary action and pass it in writing to HR Department for further processing.
Section 15.1.4
Disciplinary action for major offenses (misconduct) will be administered by the HR Department in consultation with the Department Head.
Section 15.1.5
In view of the possible legal complications, Department Heads are obligated to inform the Director when serious misconduct has occurred.
Section 15.1.6
Department heads must keep a written log of all the disciplinary actions taken against employees, even verbal counseling. For cases where unacceptable behavior continues despite the Department Head's efforts to solve the problem, this record will provide proof of the Department Head's efforts to cope with situation.
Section 15.1.7
Any disciplinary action against a management employee may be waived, at the management's discretion.
Section 15.1.8
1. When a minor offense or misconduct occurs, the Department Head must complete the Misconduct Form and forward it to the Department of Human Resources. The Department head must show the notice to employee before forwarding it to the Department of Human Resources.
2. Department heads will be responsible for administrating disciplinary action for minor offenses.
a) The disciplinary action for minor offenses includes verbal counseling.
b) Verbal Counseling
i. The immediate supervisor will verbally inform the employee of the infraction and will advise the employee of the appropriate behavior expected. The initial counseling is aimed at correcting the employee's behavior. The immediate supervisor must determine the reason for the infraction.
ii. If the unacceptable behavior continues the supervisor may verbally counsel the employee again. If the supervisor has verbally counseled the employee more than two times, the supervisor must document this on the "Misconduct Form".
c) Notice of Disciplinary Action
i. The Department Head will issue a "Misconduct Form" in cases where unacceptable behavior continues even after verbal counseling or when a first offense is serious enough to warrant a written reprimand.
ii. Depending on the nature of the offense if the employee continues minor offenses, the department head may consider the employee's behavior to constitute a major offense.
3. If an employee does not report to duty, the Department Head must inform the Department of Human Resources, in writing and on the same day about the employee's absence. If the employee reports for duty on the next day the Department head must report to the Human Resources Department in writing the employee's return to duty. However, if the employee has not returned to work, the Department head must again notify the Human Resources Department. After the employee has been absent without authorization for 2daysthe HRD will send a Show Cause Notice to the employee advising him/her that the absence is unauthorized and he/she must report to work immediately, to explain their reason for absence.
5. When it is determined that misconduct has occurred, the Department Head must complete a "Notice of Employee Misconduct" and send a copy to the Director Administration and Manager of Human Resources. The Manager of Human Resources in consultation with the Department Head will proceed with one or more of the following actions:
a) Meet with the employee to obtain further information.
b) Suspend the employee from work if the nature of the offense is such that the employee's presence at the work site may be detrimental for other employees or for the organization in general.
i. An employee may be suspended from work for up to 7 days at a time, up to a total of 28 days.
ii. Suspension with pay may be granted to an employee who is under investigation for a work-related offense.
iii. Suspension at 50% pay may be given for serious offenses until a decision is taken about termination.
c) Issue a notice to the employee informing him/her of the alleged misconduct. The employee will have 24 hours from the time of receipt of the notice to respond.
d) If there is no response in this regard then, issue a "Show Cause Notice", to the employee informing him/her alleged misconduct. The employee will have 72 hours from the time of receipt of the notice to respond to charges outlined in the notice. Show cause notices will also be sent by courier to ensure that they reach the employee.
i. If the employee accepts the charge within the 72 hours period, then one of the discipline measures listed in the Policy Statement No.2 will be initiated by the Department Head.
ii. If the employee denies the charge or does not responded to the "Show Cause Notice", then the HR Department will conduct an inquiry, based on the finding of the inquiry, the department will either recommend one of the disciplinary actions listed in Policy Statement No.2 or, if the employee is found to be innocent of the charges, will advise the employee that the charges have been dropped.
In case an employee commits a major offense and his previous record is tarnished and the offense warrants termination of service and the HOD is of the opinion that keeping the employee on active duty will be detrimental to the interests of the PIHMS, then the employee shall be issued a show cause notice to submit an explanation within24 hours and his services shall be placed on suspension. On receipt of the explanation, the case will be referred to the PIHMS Disciplinary Committee for final disposal. The employee will continue to mark regular attendance in HR in the meanwhile. The Disciplinary Committee will decide the case within 72 hours after giving due chance for personal appearance to the employee. Depending on the decision of the Disciplinary Committee the employee may be considered entitled to half pay for duration of his/her suspension.
Related Records:
1. Notice of Disciplinary Action.
2. Notice of Employment Misconduct.
3. Show Cause Notice.
4. Personal File.
Section 16 Policy for Dress Code
To clearly define expected dress & hygiene standard for PiHMS employees.
Policy Statements:
1. All employees assigned a uniform / lab coat must wear it while on duty.
2. The uniform / lab coat must be clean, pressed and in good repair.
3. Employees who do not have a specified uniform must wear clean properly pressed professional clothing.
4. Jeans, tight fitting clothing, saris, shorts, sandals and sleeveless shirts are not acceptable.
5. Male clerical staff that comes in direct contact with the public will wear white or light colored shirt, a necktie and trouser or a shalwar kameez with a vest coat. Cravats (neck scarves are not allowed).
6. All employees will wear the Institute I.D card while on duty.
7. All employees will maintain good personal hygiene be free of body odor, and use appropriate deodorants/fragrances.
8. Hair will be kept neat, clean and of conservative length and style. All female employees should dress in sober style with small hair accessories.
9. Male employees are required to be clean-shaved or maintain a clean, neat and well defined mustache and/or beard.
10. Nails are to be kept short, clean and neatly trimmed. Females may wear clear or natural color nail polish except where individual department policies prevail.
11. Wearing of jewelry should be kept to a minimum. All female employees should wear shalwar kameez with dupatta of sober colors and dull makeup, if desired. Saris and sleeveless shirts are not allowed.
12. Shoes are to be flat heeled, closed toed, and with non-slip soles, Shoes are to be kept clean and polished.
13. Clean and appropriate colored cardigans/pullovers/jackets may be worn for extra warmth.
14. Copies of every dress code policy will be available with HRD, at the time of orientation HRD representative would ask the employee to read respective dress code policy which is relate to his/her department area carefully and sign it respectively.
15. The above described dress code policy represented the general view of the institutes expected dress code.
Section 17 Policy for Personal Underwriter for Employees Dealing in Cash
To minimize the potential loss of institute money due to theft or embezzlement by employees who handle institute cash.
Policy Statement:
1) Employees who are hired for a position that requires them to personally handle institute cash must provide written personal undertaking from two underwriters. The employees will not be permitted to perform cash duties until they provide the personal guarantees.
2) Each personal underwriter must be known personally to at least one member of the institute management staff (which is anyone working in the institute or organization who holds the title of Asst. Manager, or above).
3) The underwriting must be written on judicial paper and stamped by a notary public
4) It is the employee's responsibility to secure the underwriting and submit them to the institute
1) Judicial Paper.
2) Stamp of a Notary Public
1) The Human Resources Department will forward an offer letter (if applicable) to each successful job candidate who is offered an employment position at PiHMS.
2) For jobs, which require employees to personally handle Institute cash the Offer Letter will include the following conditions clause:
This offer is conditional upon you fulfillment of the following requirements:
a) Provide two (2) written, personal underwritings by the following date _________ (to be specified in the letter)
b) Each underwriting must be for the amount of Rs. 50,000/-(fifty Thousand Only).
c) The underwriters must be personally known to a member of the institutes management staff.
d) The underwriting must be typed on judicial paper, dated, signed by the underwriter and stamped by a notary public.
3) The Department of Human Resources must include the personal underwriter condition clause in Offer Letters for the following positions:
a) Office Cashiers
b) Finance Department Cashiers
c) Any other position identified by management
4) The employee will submit the personal underwriting to the department of Human Resources, where they will be stored in the employee's personal file.
5) If the employee fails to submit the personal underwriting by the date indicated in the offer letter, the Human Resource Department will contact the employee to determine the reason. If appropriate, the Human Resources Department may grant the employee an extra week to submit the underwriting. If the employee fails to submit the underwriting by the extension deadline, the Human Resources Department will obtain the approval of the concerned department Head to revoke the offer of employment.
Related Documents:
1. A personal undertaking written on judicial paper and stamped by a notary public.
Section 18 Policy for Smoking
PiHMS is a smoke free facility. Staff, students, attendants, visitors are not allowed to
Smoke in any area of the institute premises.
To support positive health habits, prevent fire, and avoid risk of secondary exposure to smoking.
Policy Statement:
Smoking is not allowed inside the institute premises.
Smoking is not allowed in the offices.
Section 19 Policy for Transfer
To ensure that employee's transfer are done in the best interest of the institute and the employee.
Policy Statements:
1. At any given time, management may make a request for employee to be transferred.
2. Employee may request a transfer within the institue after spending 6 months in one job.
3. A "No Objection Certificate" must be taken by the employee from his/her HOD before appearing in the initial interview. Similarly the HOD of the Department where the employee aims to be transferred, must also give his/her consent.
4. The Departmental Heads of both departments must approve the transfer/NOC. If the employee's present Departmental head opposes the transfer, he/she must provide justification for not permitting the transfer.
5. After mutual understanding of both Departmental Heads for the transfer; the employee’s existing Departmental head may hold the employee for a maximum of one month (to allow ample time to find replacement)
An employee wishing a transfer to another department must complete a "Request for Transfer" and get it signed by both Department Heads.
The transfer shall only take effect after final approval from the CEO
1. An employee wishing transfer to another department must obtain a "Request for Transfer Form" from the HRD. After completing the form, the employee must get it signed by both the present and future Departmental Heads.
2. The employee must submit the completed and signed form to the HRD who will forward it to the CEO for final decision.
3. After approval from the CEO, HRD will prepare a letter of transfer indicating the effective date of transfer. A copy of the letter will be sent to the:
a. Employee
b. Both Departmental Heads
c. Finance Department
d. Employee File
Section 20 Policy for Weapons, Illegal Drugs and Alcohol
To prevent criminal acts, harassment, intoxication and misconduct in the institute.
Policy Statements:
1. No employee is allowed to bring firearms or any instrument that can be considered a weapon, illegal drugs or alcohol in the institute.
2. Any person who is suspected of carrying any of the above will be asked to leave the PIHMS premises.
3. Any employee who brings a weapon, illegal drugs and or alcohol into the institute will be considered for immediate termination of employment.
1. Whenever an employee finds or suspects another employee, visitor or student having a weapon, drugs or alcohol, the employee must inform the Security Supervisor immediately.
2. The Security Supervisor will investigate the situation and:
a) If a visitor, instruct him/her to leave the institute
b) If a student inform the CEO/CEO
c) If an employee, inform the immediate supervisor who would then be responsible in taking the necessary action.
Section 21 Policy for institute Records and Confidential Information.
To promote the highly confidential corporate culture for recording and storing employee/patient files.
Policy Statements:
1. An employee shall be expected to exercise utmost care in handling of confidential material and shall ensure that all reasonable precautions and measures are taken to safeguard the information material under his/her custody.
2. An employee is responsible for non-proliferation of any and all sensitive information within his/her possession.
3. An employee shall not divulge or communicate any information required in the course of his/her employment with the institute, to other institute employees or to non-employees, especially those individuals and companies dealing in the same field. This restriction shall be valid during an employee's employment with the institute as well as during the 2 years following his/her separation from the institute .
4. Employees salary and students fee record related information are never tolerated to be discussed with one another, in case of proved violation, direct termination of service can be possible.
1. Any "Confidence shaking Activities" must be reported to the immediate supervisor/departmental Head of the employee.
2. In case of minor offense employee will be counseled by the Departmental Head, however if nature of offense is major then Departmental head would take the advice of the Divisional Head.
3. Department head with the coordination of the Manager will raise the misconduct report on "Notice of Employee Misconduct" and recommend the incident to HRD for further necessary action i.e. warning, show cause, suspension or immediate termination, etc.
4. HRD will take final approval from CEO on the recommended decision.
5. In case, if concerned Departmental Head/Divisional Head does not take any action against the said employee, HRD will directly take action through the approval of CEO.
Section 22 IT Policy
Access to the Internet and its related facilities through official service provided by PIHMS is a privilege. Employees granted this privilege must observe strict guidelines concerning the appropriate use of this information resource. Employees who violate the provisions outlined in this policy document are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with relevant clauses of the Human Resources & Administrative policy and the Standard Operating Procedures. All users are required to understand guidelines contained herein.
The institute does permit a limited amount of personal use of these facilities, including computer, e-mail and Internet access. However, these facilities must the used responsibly by everyone, since misuse by even a few individuals has the potential to negatively impact productivity, disrupt institute business and interfere with the work or rights of others. Therefore, all employees are expected to exercise responsible and ethical behavior when using the institute Information Technology facilities. Any action that may expose the institute to risk of unauthorized access to data, disclosure of information, legal liability, or potential system failure is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action.
Users of PIHMS computing facilities are required to comply with all policies referred to in this document. Users must refrain from engaging in any activity that would subject the PiHMS to any liability.
To protect the integrity of PIHMS computing facilities and its users against unauthorized or improper use of those facilities, and to prevent possible use of these facilities in violation of institute rules and policies, PIHMS reserves the right, without notice, to limit or restrict any individual’s use, and to inspect, copy, remove, or otherwise alter any data, file, or system resource which may undermine the authorized us of any computing facility or which is used in violating of PiHMS rules or policies. PIHMS also reserves the right periodically to examine any system and other usage and authorization history as necessary to protect its computing facilities.
The IT department would function as the core department, for implementation of the IT Policy, which would co-ordinate with all the other departments of PIHMS in order to ensure the objectives of this policy are met.
This policy applies to all PIHMS employees. It is the responsibility of all department heads to ensure that these policies are clearly communicated, understood and followed.
This policy also applies to software contractors, and vendors/suppliers providing services to PIHMS that bring them into contact with PIHMS Information Technology infrastructure. The PIHMS employee who contracts for these services is responsible to provide the contract/vendor/supplier with a copy of these policies before any access is given.
This policy covers the usage of all of the PiHMS Information Technology and communication resources including, but not limited to:
All computer-related equipment, including desktop personal computers (PCs), portable PCs, workstations, networks, databases, printers, servers and shared computers, and all networks and hardware to which this equipment is connected.
All electronic communications equipment, including telephones, e-mail, fax machines, Internet.
All software including purchased or licensed business software applications, institute -written applications, employee or vendor/supplier-written applications, computer operating systems, firmware, and any other software residing on institute-owned equipment.
All intellectual property and other data stored on institute equipment.
All of the above are included whether they are owned or leased by the institute or are under the institute possession, custody, or control.
These policies also apply to all users, whether on institute property, connected from remote via any networked connection, or using institute equipment.
General Rules and Regulations
Employees shall use PIHMS-provided information resources for PIHMS-related business in accordance with their job functions and responsibilities, except as otherwise provided by management directives or other PIHMS policies.
Employees are permitted limited personal use of information resources if the use does not result in a loss of employee productivity, interfere with official duties or business, and involves minimal additional expense to the PIHMS. Unauthorized or improper use of information resources may result in loss of use or limitations on use of those resources.
When using PIHMS information resources, employees are expected to:
Act responsibly so as to ensure the ethical use of PIHMS information resources.
Acknowledge the right of PIHMS to restrict or rescind computing privileges at any time.
Use security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information, data, and systems.
Conduct them professionally in the workplace and to refrain from using information resources for activities that are inappropriate.
Respect all pertinent licenses, copyrights, contract, and other restricted or proprietary information.
Use good judgment in accessing the Internet. Each us of the Internet should be able to withstand public scrutiny without embarrassment to PIHMS.
Safeguard their use Ids and passwords, and use them only as authorized. Any actions taken under an assigned identification (e.g., user ID) are the responsibility of the user.
Respect PIHMS property.
Make only appropriate use of data to which they have access.
Exercise good judgment regarding the reasonableness of personal use.
Use information resources efficiently.
The following activities are strictly prohibited and will be dealt in accordance with the disciplinary policy.
Intentionally corrupting, misusing, or stealing software or any other computing resource.
Accessing PIHMS systems that are not necessary for the performance of the employee’s duties.
Performing functions that are not related to the employee’s job responsibilities on system that they are otherwise authorized to access.
Making unauthorized changes to PIHMS computer resources, including installation of unapproved software or interfering with security measures (such as audit trail logs and anti-virus software).
Copying PIHMS proprietary software or business data for personal use.
Disseminating trade secrets or business sensitive information, except as permitted by law or regulation.
Transmitting, storing, or processing classified data except as authorized.
Unauthorized access to other computer systems using PIHMS information resources.
Accessing information resources, data, equipment, or facilities in violation of any restriction on use.
Using another person’s computer account, with or without their permission.
Knowingly, without written authorization, executing a program that may hamper normal PIHMS computing activities.
Adding components or devices (e.g., cameras, etc to PIHMS desktops without approval from the IT/IS Department.
Introducing malicious programs into the network or server (e.g., viruses, worms, Trojan horses, e-mail bombs, etc.).
Revealing account passwords to others or allowing the use of one’s account by others, including family and other household members when work is being done at home.
Revealing system passwords (e.g. FPPS passwords, database passwords, etc) to anyone who is not specifically authorized to use them.
Exporting software, technical information, encryption software or technology.
Effecting security breaches or disruptions of network communication.
Unauthorized security scanning, network monitoring, or data interception that is not part of the employee’s regular job duties.
Interfering with or denying service to other information resource users.
Sending unsolicited E-Mail messages (Spam).
Harassment via E-Mail, telephone, pager, IRC, SMS, or other communication method, whether through language, frequency, or size of messages.
Creating or forwarding “chain letters” or other “pyramid” schemes of any type.
Engaging in any outside fund-raising activity, endorsing any product or service, participating in any lobbying activity, or engaging in any partisan political activity without specific permission.
Posting agency information to external news groups, bulletin boards or other public forums without authority, or conducting any activity that could create the perception that communication was made in one’s official capacity as a PIHMS employee.
Any personal use that could cause congestion, delay, or disruption of service to any system or equipment.
Using office equipment or information resources for activities that are illegal, inappropriate, or offensive to fellow employees or the public. This includes, but is not limited to, materials related to:
Sexually explicit or sexually oriented content
Ethnic, racial, sexist, or other offensive comments
Anything that is in violation of sexual harassment or hostile workplace laws
Making fraudulent offers of products, items, or services.
Illegal weapons or terrorist activities
Planning or of any crime
Forging or misrepresenting one’s identity.
Preventing unauthorized patient information
Access to Internet and related facilities
This policy is applicable to all PIHMS employees and other individuals authorized to use the Internet and Intranet systems. The IT Department may provide access to its Internet and Intranet systems to external users, such as consultants, etc., as deemed necessary to conduct business. The department head is responsible for ensuring that each user consistently complies with this policy.
Uses of Internet and Intranet Systems
Permissible uses of Internet and Intranet systems and information include the following, to the extent that theses uses are for the purpose of conducting business:
To facilitate performance of job functions
To conduct research in accordance with an employee’s job duties and functions
To communicate with outside organizations as required in order performing an employee’s job functions.
Prohibited uses of Internet and Intranet systems and information include, but are not limited to, the following:
Illegal activities
Obscene or suggestive message(s) or offensive graphical image(s)
Political endorsements
Commercial activities
Revealing patient confidential information
E-Mail Policy
Use of E-mail must be specifically limited to correspondence in direct support of official business.
Access to E-mail will not be used for any illegal or unlawful purposes. Examples of this would be the transmission of violent, threatening, defrauding, obscener or otherwise illegal or unlawful materials.
Sending or forwarding emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, or obscene remarks is strictly prohibited. If an employee may receive an email of this nature, he/she should promptly notify his/her Section/Department Head.
Sending or forwarding unsolicited email messages or chain mail is strictly prohibited. Similarly, forging or attempting to forge email messages, or disguising or attempting to disguise your identity when sending an email is not allowed.
The employees shall be responsible to ensure that all communication through e-mail is conducted in a professional manner. The use of vulgar or obscene language is prohibited.
The employees shall not reveal patient information private or personal information without specific approval from management.
The employee’s should ensure that e-mail messages are sent to only those users with a specific need to know. The transmission of e-mail to large groups or messages with large file attachments must be discouraged. However, in certain cases where a legitimate official need may necessitate electronic communication with large groups, or use of large file attachments, prior approval of the Section/Department heads willing to communicate to large groups, or using large file attachments, discretion for such use would lie with themselves.
E-mail is not guaranteed to be private. Messages transmitted through the official e-mail system or network infrastructure are the property of PIHMS and are therefore subject to inspection.
Emails should be answered within 8 working hours, or at least within the same working day.
Employees must not send any confidential information via email. In case of doubt whether to send certain information via email; it is an employee’s responsibility to check with his/her Section/Department Head first.
Any employee violating these policies is subject to the following penalties:
Loss of network privileges
Disciplinary action under relevant clauses of HR & Administrative Policy
Any other disciplinary/corrective action deemed appropriate by the competent authority.
Section 23 Policy for PiHMS Vehicles/Transport Policy
In order to ensure that the use of PIHMS vehicles is in the best interests of the PIHMS following rules must be observed:
Vehicles will normally be used for PIHMS official business.
The Security Officer/Manager shall ensure that the insurance certificates, registration, driver’s handbook (manual) as well as other relevant documents provided with the vehicle are renewed and will also keep the vehicle comprehensively insured.
Any employee who wishes to use pool vehicle must submit an approved Vehicle Request Form to General Manager Administration at least 24 hours before the need, in order to ensure the availability of the vehicle and driver.
Vehicles will be released on first come first serve basis; it is therefore advisable to inform Administration Department as early as possible to ensure availability.
Vehicles are to be used on institute business only and should be shared between two or more employees depending on the work priorities and visit plans.
The vehicle fuel tank must be filled completely at each fueling so that the fuel consumption rate/Km may be verified.
Only the authorized PIHMS drivers will drive the vehicles.
Section 24 Policy for Incidents reporting & handling
To ensure that all incidents that occur in the PiHMS are properly documented and reported, so that the corrective and preventive actions can be taken.
Policy Statement:
The responsibility for reporting an incident rests with any PiHMS staff member, who witnesses, discovers or has direct knowledge of an incident Failure to report an incident is liable for disciplinary action.
All incidents must be reported in writing on the appropriate “Incident Report Form”.
Incidents which require urgent attention must be reported verbally and immediately by the employee who detected the incident to his/her department head (or to the department head’s designee) and administration Department. In these cases a written “Incident report” must follow as soon as possible.
In the case of urgent incidents, which require immediate action, the department head (or designee) is held responsible for ensuring that all the emergency actions are taken and all appropriate people are notified.
All other incidents (for example fire, theft, loss or damage to equipment injury etc).
Incident Report Form will not be filled for any type of complaint, misunderstanding and misbehavior among staff.
All appropriate authorities will be notified of PiHMS incidents as soon as possible. The following is a list of authorities who may require notification, depending on the nature and severity of the incident:
The section head of the employee who first observed the incident
The security supervisor (if required)
Divisional Head
Chief Executive Officer/Clinical Director
HRD representative.
Others, as appropriate
The CEO will be kept informed through verbal/written incident reports of all the incidents that happen in the institution (inside/outside facilities).
It is defined as a un usual event, which transpires within the buildings or on grounds of the institute. The event is considered unusual if the result was unexpected, unintended, and undesirable.
An incident report must be compiled for any of the following circumstances
An undesirable event occurs which is inconsistent with normal institute and student care.
A disturbance occurs that does or may disrupt institute functions or which may affect the image of Premier institute of Health & Management Sciences, Peshawar in the community.
A significant violation of policy and procedure occurs.
An unusual event occurs which does or may result in personal and/or BOGily injury.
Any occurrence involving hostility voiced by an employee, visitor or student.
Any occurrence involving unavailable or malfunctioning PiHMS property or equipment.
The designee is the senior most person in the department, after the department head that has been delegated the authority to act as the department’s supervisor in the department head’s absence. In the absence of their department heads all employees will submit their verbal and written incident report to their designees.
When a employee observes that an incident has occurred in the PiHMS, he/she must notify his/her department head as soon as possible. If the department/section head is not present, the employee must notify the designee.
If the incident is urgent and requires immediate attention, the employee will inform his/her department/section head (designee) verbally and immediately, before filling out an “Incident Report”.
In all cases, the employee must report the incident in writing as soon as possible, using the appropriate “Incident Report Form”. The employee will complete one copy of the report and will forward it to his/her department/section head (or designee) as soon as possible.
In urgent matters, the department/section head (or his/her designee) will take immediate actions that are necessary to deal with the situation. If it is regular working hours, and emergency consultation with the CEO is required.
Upon receiving an “Incident Report”, the department/section head (or designee) will:
Investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident in order to take appropriate actions and to record the findings in the “Incident Report” (extra sheets may be attached to it for this purpose). The department/section head’s investigation must include the following actions:
i. Assign a cause to the incident, For example, the incident might have occurred due to:
Improper knowledge/training of a PiHMS employee.
Faculty equipment
When applicable, determine the cost of any lost/damaged property.
Identify an inadequacies or mismanagement which could have otherwise prevented the incident (e.g. an ineffective inventory system for monitoring the whereabouts of expensive equipment).
Identify the persons involved in the incident.
When the case does not involve a major offense that should be referred to a higher authority for disciplinary action, the department/section head should dispense whatever disciplinary action is appropriate (disciplinary action is most likely to be needed in cases involving negligence and violence)
Report corrective & preventative actions which are taken.
Make recommendations about who should be held accountable for the incident and what the consequences should be
Before submitting the original “Incident Report” to the department/section head and a copy to the CEO/CEO, the department/section head must determine who else will require a copy of the report. The department/section head will use the following guidelines to determine who else will receive a copy of the report:
Type of incidentDepartment Requirement
Loss, suspected theft, Security (in the case of loss or suspected
Damage theft)
Purchasing (if the institute needs to
Purchase Replacements)
Violence, accident Security
Or fire
Others as appropriate.
On the original “Incident Report”, the department/section head will indicate the CEO/CEO and all other persons will receive a copy of the report.
The department/section head will make the appropriate number of photocopies and distribute them to all persons who need to be notified of the incident. The CEO/CEO must receive the original copy of the “Incident Report”.
When the nature and severity of the incident require a serious course of action (i.e. termination of an employee’s services and/or recovery of money from the persons responsible), the department/section head will make recommendations to the CEO/CEO about the course of action that should be followed. The CEO/CEO will approve the final course of action.
Related Records:
Incident Report Form
Section 25 Policy for On call pay
To clarify the pay mechanism and transportation arrangements for on-call employees.
Policy Statements:
Employees who are scheduled to be on-call may remain at home, or may sleep at the worksite.
Employees who are called to work during their on-call shifts will be paid Rs.1,500 per month.
For on-call employees who are called to work from their homes, travel time to and from work will not be considered as work hours and will not be compensated instead, work hours will commence from the moment the employee begins working at the PiHMS and will terminate at the time that he/she completes the work at the PiHMS. Commencement and termination of on-call work hours for employees who are on site will be determined on the basis of individual Department.
Departments that schedule on-call workers who remain at home, must work out transportation arrangements for their on-call employees with the Administration Department.
Department Heads must schedule on-call employees on the department’s “Duty Roster”.
On the last day of the month, the Department Head must submit a memo for on-call pay to the Department of Human Resources providing the details of all employees who were scheduled for on-call duty during the last month, Department Heads will give the following details:
The employee’s name and I.D. number.
The employee’s designation.
The dates and times that the employee was on-call.
The hours, if any, that the employee actually worked during his/her on-call shifts.
Whether the employee was on-call during a normal working day or a gazette holiday.
Upon receiving a memo for on-call pay, the Department of Human Resources will:
Calculate the employee’s total number of on-call hours, separated into normal days and gazette holidays. Hours actually worked while on call will be deducted from the number of scheduled on-call hours.
Using the on-call pay rate, calculate the amount of on-call pay due to the employee for being scheduled for on-call duty.
Using one and a half times the normal hourly rate, calculate the amount of pay due to the employee for hours worked while on call.
After calculating the employee’s on-call pay, the Department of Human Resources will prepare an on-call letter to the Finance Department informing them of the amount due to the employee. The CEO/MD will sign the letter, before it is submitted to the Finance Department.